«Monument! Block! Bronevik! »- Melknulo in the head, when he first saw« Chrysler-300p ». Solid forms, uzenkie a glass cockpit, nose chopped, hard look sullenly, wild fling fall lattice - hefty five-zveryuga simply suppresses primitive brute force! Aerodynamics, the elegance of lines and other frills secondary ... The strength - that's what the main thing in the car! And its here in abundance - V-shaped «G» volume of 5.7 liters and makes muffled klokochet podragivat body. 340 «horse» - this is the most powerful engine in the «Chrysler» in the last third of a century. Effective trick: if idling dramatically to gas, more than polutysyacha newton-meters substantially kachnet reactive moment of the car right. If the selector gearbox is in position D, so even off the traction control system, everything will be like in the classic American fighters: roar, shriek, thick white smoke in the rear arches, and two fat black trace lengths of a few tens of meters - the huge 18 -- inch wheel outer diameter 720 mm (!) «anneal» asphalt until the «machine» not switch to second gear. Damn! I am scared to go to THIS ...
Endless green park with a few buildings and shady streets. Hard to believe that this is the car capital of America - Detroit. Soon, the six lanes are four cars go as nanizannye to nitochku. I also include cruise control and stand allowed 70 miles per hour. «Chrysler-300p» was surprisingly modest - for more than a thousand kilometers of 11 liters per hundred! .
Overview quite good, the only drawback - low overhanging roof, out of which no visible lights. With regard to the protection - there are only two front airbags, although adaptive, and two inflatable curtains over the windows. In principle, a lot, but a car of this class, I expected to see six to eight «eyrbegov». But the equipment at fame: the hatch, auto darkening all mirrors, parktronik, stabilization and control system, tire pressure, rain gauges and lighting, a navigator, heated seats, audio-class high-end at 288 W, finishing salon skin and aluminum and more . Rede in engine design - two spark plugs per cylinder allow for lean mixtures, and 0.04 for the MDS system to turn off half the cylinders under low loads, saving 10-20% of fuel. Steering column and seat neglected for convenience drop-off/pick-up. Range of adjustment huge: in the rear position of his feet barely get to the pedals.
They say that any American can be found ancestor in Europe, Asia, Africa or anywhere. One of the ancestors of modern-day «three» series «Chrysler» comes from Stuttgart and it is called ... «Mercedes» E-Class. Yes, it is worth a look under the bottom - find the familiar elements of the suspension and transmission. So it is little wonder it is not an American habit. Rough road joints, which are only неслышно barely noticeable shake taxi «Lincoln Town Car», forced to shiver «Chrysler» under subdued «bub-bum» pendants. But already on the winding trail behind him any «American» did not keep pace - to be sure of this, I half-hour iron some empty two-outcome. The machine is fully managed turn. The small bank, of course, there are, but not irritatingly-long suspension of the compression phase from the outside. «Classified» speed hard - manage to wind up early because the grip of huge wheels are very high. But if we happened to squeal dreyfuesh out - sideways, with no signs of skidding, then a couple of times grunt stabilization system - and more again as if nothing had happened.
What, in your opinion, is a miracle that more stuck called «six hundredth», as «three»? Fifty thousand? Seventy? One hundred? Very cool ... Sit down if you stand. The car costs only thirty-three thousand eight hundred! And dollars, not euros - this is the price masthead integration without options. A budget option, of course, in the American sense of the term - with a V6 engine pitiful amount of 2.7 liters and output of some 140 liters kVt/190. pp., with the «machine», air conditioning and other features of the savings and costs are in the $ 23 985!
And now the two news. News, good - in July «Chrysler-300p» start selling in Russia. News Item second, sobering - to us it will be almost twice as expensive: the recommended price of 39 700, 44 700 and 56 300 euro for cars with engines 2.7, 3.5 and 5.7 liters. E-Oh, not a country called Honduras ...
«Chrysler-300p» - a new word in automotive design, overt power and strength. An incredible car for the money: in the U.S. - small, we have - big.
+ Excellent acceleration and braking dynamics, huge reserves of power and traction control, articulate, quick reactions on the road, good noise isolation, comfortable and spacious interior, comfortable landing, rich integration, high fuel efficiency.
- Zhestkovataya suspension, a limited review up, with four airbags, a small glove box, inconvenient podrulevye switches, «dokatka».
Differences between American and European versions are due only to the requirements of relevant government authorities and refer, for example, forms the plate and place it under the bumper, as well as lighting. In addition, North American cars with engines of 2.7 and 3.5 liters are sold as «Chrysler 300», and only the version with the Hemi engine is a symbol 300p. Warranty, as all models «Chrysler / Jeep», - 2 years unlimited mileage. In Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Perm and Togliatti, and at a distance of 50 km around the program «Privileged service». Mezhservisny intervals - 5000 or 10 000 km, depending on the nature of exploitation.
The last ten years cars peredneprivodnye «Chrysler» link on a cab forward - «cabin ahead». «Concord», «Vision», «New Yorker», 300m - they cut the windscreen extends almost to the middle of the wheels. However, such a configuration is difficult to place the engine under the hood more than the V6 volume of 3.5 liters and the capacity of 200-250 liters. with. Combining with the company «Daimler-Benz» and logical requirement unification nodes, units and platforms has forced «Chrysler» back to the classical - rear wheel drive layout. Its main advantage - practically no restrictions on the configuration, size and engine power. And if so, then you need to load the rear wheels, so that, «go back, the cab!» - Some back, cab back!
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