The car is equipped sixlitres 12-cylinder engine of Mercedes, who worked on the experts atelier AMG, and which, after the installation of two additional turbochargers (in the amount of them was four) develops power of 850 horsepower. The maximum torque of that monster reaches 1150Nm, the peak which accounts for the range of 2500-4500 revolutions per minute.

From zero to one hundred kilometers per hour and 4.12 faster for 2,9 sec., A distance of 402 meters car passes for 10.6 seconds. Speed new items a little less 400 kilometers per hour. As the gear used 7-speed Ricardo double-clutch (in the style of DSG) and sequential shift, which spends on switching from one transmission to another of about 0.2 sec.

Unlike traditional "exhibition" of show cars, 4-12 from the company Chrysler is, according to experts, most likely pre-production prototype, not the usual "toy" for the entertainment of visitors to showrooms. Despite the fact that the prototype full swing wound miles of test ranges in the next year or two cars at the base 4.12 on sale, we do not see. The most probable time of its appearance - 2007.

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