Friday, November 20, 2009

Chrysler and Lancia cars will be developed together

LanciaConcern Fiat, which is co-owner of the American group Chrysler, plans to establish cooperation between brands Lancia and Chrysler. Writes about this publication Automotive News.

It is assumed that these brands will occupy the joint development of new models for the European market. In particular, the Chrysler 300C sedan of the next generation can be built on a common platform with the successor Lancia Thesis, the new Chrysler Sebring will get the chassis of the big sedan "Alfa Romeo (This same platform will be used for a similar model of Lancia), a Lancia Ypsilon hatchback can share its platform with the new compact model Chrysler.

In addition, both brands will now be one-man operation - the current head of Lancia, Olivier Francois, who on Monday was appointed curator of the brand Chrysler. It should be noted that most experts believe Francois "right hand" of the president concern Fiat Sergio Marchione.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Chrysler sells Jeep to concern Renault-Nissan

JeepChrysler began talks with Renault-Nissan concern about the sale of one of the most famous American brands Jeep. According to Reuters, the decision may be taken in connection with the need to restructure Chrysler after receiving a loan of four billion dollars from the U.S. government.

Negotiations began two corporations last year, but now moved to the active phase. In addition, part of its assets Chrysler may sell Canadian manufacturer of components Magna. These include, in particular, about the plant for the production of spare parts in Illinois.

Chrysler - not only an American concern, sell assets. Company General Motors, also on the verge of bankruptcy, announced plans to sell the brand Saab, Saturn, Pontiac and Hummer. However, the Swedish Saab group has a problem - want to buy a stamp is still no.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Chrysler introduced the Model 200C

Chrysler 200CBased in the deepest crisis of Chrysler LLC introduced the Auto Show in Detroit is a very interesting vehicle called the 200C Concept. Some experts say that if Chrysler will be able to put this model on the conveyor, it can become the lifeline to pull Chrysler from financial ruin. The car some Americans really get very interesting.

In terms of size Chrysler 200C Concept will compete with such cars as the BMW 5-Series and Mercedes-Benz E-Class. Although the price it is, of course, would be a completely different niche. But Chrysler is not want to talk about the cost model. Representatives of the company are focused on design and engine. From design, everything is clear, he was successful. And now with regard to the power plant. Under the hood lies 200C hybrid engine, which has a total power of 268 hp In this case the electric motor gives in terms of kilowatt once 74 hp, which allows for low speed does not include a standard engine, which feeds gas ... (one electric 200C can drive about 60 km).

In general, all sounds very interesting. However, while representatives of Chrysler could not say when the 200C will go into mass production. But now we can certainly say - even if the model and stand on the conveyor, then it would be normal under the hood of the motor. And if it is a hybrid, it will eat gasoline. After the U.S. is now virtually non-existent infrastructure of fueling cars with gas.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Chrysler introduced the Urban Electric Car

Urban Electric CarSeptember 23 the company GEM, a member of the concern Chrysler, introduced four new electric trolley Peapod, which is scheduled for release in 2009. According to the official site of GEM, a car designed for movement in the city.

Novelty is equipped with an electric motor which is powered by six 12-volt batteries, rechargeable from an ordinary wall outlet and under braking. Movement can be carried out in two modes - in the usual, with a maximum speed of 40 kilometers per hour, or economical, with a "maximum speed" 25 kilometers per hour. Cruising range is approximately 50 kilometers, and charge the battery after such a trip would be 6-8 hours.

Inside the car - an unusual central panel with connectors for connecting the iPod and the ability to wireless control communicator iPhone. Seats are covered with a special mesh material produced from environmentally friendly materials, which require further processing.
Company GEM (GreenEcoMobility) was founded in 1998, has since produced about 38,000 electric vehicles. According to Peter Arnella, head of the center of innovation Chrysler, the company goal is to produce environmentally friendly cars that do not use gasoline and not polluting the environment. In the future the company plans to develop a light truck and several city vehicles that run on electricity.